The OneBlood bus will be in the church parking lot to collect blood donations. If you are interested in donating, contact Tim Keeley at timfromjax@hotmail.com

Our first Wednesday Night Study was lively and well attended. We would love to have you join our adventure, in person or online, 2ndand 4th Wednesdays, 7 pm in Fellowship Hall. We’ll be…Read More

Potty trained 3 year-olds through 5th graders are welcome to spend the evening with us in Fellowship Hall while the parents have a night out! Pizza dinner, games, crafts & more! RSVP to Jai…Read More

The youth are doing a Mud run for Seamark Ranch this Spring. The mission of this event is to raise money in support of the children who live at Seamark Ranch. Seamark Ranch is a nurturing Chris…Read More

JIM MCGILL In worship this Sunday we will be praying for one of the missionaries our congregation supports, Mark Hare and Jenny Bent. We pray for Mark and Jenny and their continued work in C…Read More

For the safety of our church family policy requires us to conduct a background check on all volunteers every five years. We have sent background forms to new volunteers. If you currently vo…Read More

We are so excited that Ms. Debbie has come back to share her story telling with us!!! Preschool Chapel and Pastor story time has never been better. We are shining brightly in 2025! …Read More

The Women’s Bible Study group will be starting a new study in January. We look forward to reading the book Inspired by Rachel Held Evans. We meet on Wednesday mornings at 10:00 am in Fellowship Hall….Read More

Happy New Year! We were blessed with generous donations during the holidays. We received 8,464 pounds of food in December and gave out 6,829 pounds. We served 417 clients and 202 homeless. …Read More

You can watch our live stream, see prior services, as well as shorts on what’s going on around the church. Check us out at www.youtube.com/@HBPCUSA. Please Subscribe to our channel and Like th…Read More

Have you noticed our Facebook page? It helps with the algorithm which pushes our page out to other people if you do the following: Like it After you like it make a comment Share it to your profile, an…Read More